I’ve been thinking of you and Lief a lot and praying for you in this new season. This is so encouraging to read—we didn’t have an empty nest when Clare went off to college last year, but we had a similar experience with adjusting to the distance—and great thankfulness for the people who took her in and friends she made. I’m so thankful for Eliana this year and the chance to get to know her, and that she has filled a friend-space that Clare was missing from her friends from last year!

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Also—beds and dishes are my two go-tos for general sanity!

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I am 💯 with you on making the bed daily; it does give a calm moment amidst the chaos of our days at times. I am still very much needed by my three kids, albeit they are 20, 20, and 17. With their chronic medical/mental health issues, life at this stage looks very different for me than it does for my peers. So, for me, it’s not as spacious, and as one who loves to be out and about and involved in all the things, I am learning STILL to remain faithful to the long road. I am having to tell myself once again to not look to the left and right at what others in my stage of life are free to do and experience but to stay my course, run in my lane.

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An inspiring, graceful glimpse of your life and being 'in' it.

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